Recap of AMA session about Drunk Robots

7 min readJun 6, 2022



- Part 1. Questions about the gameplay

- Part 2. Questions about the Robots

- Part 3. Questions about the earnings

- Part 4. Strategic tips and hints

Part 1. Questions about the gameplay

Question 1: How to know if you can win a match?

Answer to Q1: The simplest answer to this question is that you can’t tell precisely whether you are going to win before the start of the match unless you take an educated quest. In order to do that, you should look at the traits of your robots including hair, shoes, clothes, and weapons. If the other team has a lot of those things and your team doesn’t — you will probably lose, since this stuff adds stats to the robot’s skills.

If you want to be able to look at the exact stats of the robots you can do that via the website. The Drunk Robots team will implement this feature into the game in the foreseeable future. That would make it a lot easier for everyone.

Question 2: What is the best time to attack?

Answer to Q2:Until Monday 30.05 the best time to complete the attacks was 00:00 UTC/ 8 am ph time and 8 pm EST time. This is due to the fact that the reset for the day takes place at this time, which means that your first 5 attacks can bring you higher earnings before other players join the game.

However, starting this Monday the rules have changed. The drunk robots team has made adjustments to this. From now on you will have to complete ten attacks and only after that, the earnings will start the next day. So make sure to complete your 10 attacks every day to generate the proper profit.

Question 3: What are the ways to increase the hash power?

Answer to Q3: The best way to increase hash power can be by moving up in ranks. The higher the division the higher the hash power. Also, certain robots have different hash powers as well as equipment, which can also give an advantage in terms of hash power.

Question 4: What is the best way to position your robots?

Answer to Q4: This can be a little tough for some scholars if the manager didn’t open all the slots to allow you to adjust your team. The best way to position your robots is to put Melee attack robots in the front line and the range weapon robots in the back.

Melee attackers are good for close-distance fights, while the range weapon robots target the enemies in the back no matter where you have them at. Thus, positioning a range fighter in the front line would be a big mistake, as he will be defenseless in this case.

Currently, it is possible to have a robot that can do both a melee and range attack as long as the weapons are not in the same line. Basically, the robot holds a gun in the right hand and a sword in the left one.

A robot with this setup can be placed in any order, either in front or in back.

Question 5: Will the robot that can be set upfront or back receive a bonus stat?

Answer to Q5: This robot will have the best of both worlds, but will t not get the bonus for both positions, as it is not completing both tasks. However, if it’s melee it will have the benefit of hitting two bots at one time since that bot will target the front and back line at the same time.

Part 2. Questions about the Robots

Question 1: How can you increase the power of your robots?

Answer to Q1: “At the moment the best and major way people can increase the power of the robots is by adding equipment. The equipment adds attack, defense, health points and so many more things to the robot’s skills. Another way to increase the power is the formation of robots.

Question 2: How to get the equipment?

Answer to Q2: It would have to be brought and then they can be added to the robots. Depending on the effort you put into the team, you may buy those things to help increase the power. Also, the drunk robot team holds lots of events that allow you to win the equipment. So it can come down to the short answer: put into effort and enjoy the results!

Question 3: How to have extra slots opened to arrange the bots?

Answer to Q3: “Talk to the manager you’re assigned to and they could see whether it can be done. This step will give your certain benefits and increase your chances of winning equipment in contests.

Question 4: How can you fully utilize the robots?

Answer to Q4: The best way to do this is to position them properly. Make sure to put melee robots in the front and range weapon ones in the back. You can also put your robot with the highest health in front of the other target robots. You can check out the stats on the home page. Never just keep robots in the same place all the time and adjust your front line in accordance to each opponent.

Question 5: How do I see if my robots are melee or range?

Answer to Q5: If you look at the robot and it looks like something you can hold in real life and beat people with — its melee, but if it’s something that looks like guns, flamethrowers, and other stuff, it’s the range one.

Question 6: All my bots just have fists so they are all melee right?

Answer to Q6: Yes that would be Miller fights. Hand-to-hand combat.

Part 3. Questions about the earnings in PVP games

Question 1: Does having more robots means having more earnings each day?

Answer to Q1: “No, because your earnings don’t depend on the number of robots you have. The thing that impacts your earnings is the division you’re in.

So with that in mind, having stronger robots is more important, since It’s been shown that one strong robot can beat a team of 6 rare robots. The reason why this is possible is that the strong robot has better overall stats than all 6 robots altogether. Having stronger robots allows you to move up rank easier, which will allow you to climb up to higher divisions..

Question 2: What is the best way to increase earnings in each division?

Answer to Q2: Make sure to complete your attacks as fast as you can to have the earnings clock start properly. Since the earning clock will tell you to complete ten attacks, try to complete them as fast as possible and pay attention to the earning click.

Question 3: How much can be earned in each division?

Answer to Q3: The division that everyone should be striving to get into is division 4. On average, you can earn 400 metals a day in this division. In division 5 this number ranges around 8 hundred 6 can bring you up to 1400 and the highest one around 4 to 5k a day.

Question 4: Were the earnings based on the wins and losses you get?

Answer to Q4: Depending on the results of the match, you will either gain rank or lose it. Ranks determine the division you will be playing on and division for its part determines the profit you can get. u get

Part 4. Strategic tips and hints

Question 1: Why should you not claim and wait for an appropriate moment?

Answer to Q1: Firstly, it will decrease your earnings because of the fees for claiming early. So if you have 1000 METAL and the fee is ten percent due to Darnley claim, that will cost you 100 METAL.

Question 2: How fast can you move from division 1 to 4?

Answer to Q2: If you have decent 2 or 3 robots it can be done within 10 mins. Some of the scholars under me are allowed to use a small amount of metal to get them to division 4 right away. This will allow them to skip matches they can’t win and keep a place in the current division. However, keep in mind that this depends on your manager, so if you’re not in the 4th division you can ask the manager that’s in charge to do this. The downside is that you can use this in order to advance to division 5, as you need a close full team and good equipment to boost your stats.

Question 3: What are 3 tips to grant the best metal earnings?

Answer to Q3: Tip number one: try and complete your attacks as close to the reset as you can. Especially since the attacks take no more than 5 mins of your time. Tip two: learn how to tell if other teams are stronger by looking at the gear they have or looking up the website on the stats of their robots. And for the final tip, I would say that you should not stress if your robot loses a large amount of rank score after a fight. You will gain it back quickly and get back to the place you were very soon.

Question 4: What are the things you should not do in the drunk robots game?

Answer to Q4: Well, firstly do not ever remove your robots from the line-up. This stops the earnings you will get for the day and it will also impact your stamina refill time. Number two: don’t put off your attacks for later, if it can be done — do it. Moreover, it takes a short period of time to play and you can access the game through your browser on your phone. Last but not least: don’t feel shy to ask Skill Labs questions that concern you.




Written by Hashsense

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